

Castorano is a nice old village with a population of about 2170.
It stands on three hills, 280 metres above sea level, and overlooks Tronto river valley. 
Its history is strictly linked to that of the near town of Ascoli Piceno. In 297-296 a.c., after a battle in Tronto river valley, Romans subjugated population of Piceno leaving them just local administration. 
Since 90 until 88 a.c. the people of Piceno revolted against the Romans; there was a new war in which Castorano took part too.
A testimony of that it is represented by a lot of arms, horses rests and human skeletons which were found. In 1283 “Castrum Casturanum”, that was owned by Mr Rinaldo of Monsampolo, was sold to Ascoli Piceno for a large amount of money, so Castorano became a fortified castle, with the task of controlling Offida, allied to Fermo, historical enemy of Ascoli Piceno.

Castorano history is testified by a lot of monuments such as:

- La Porta Castellana (The Castle Door);

- La Torre Civica (The Civic Tower) erected in 1471;

- La Chiesa di Santa Maria della Visitazione (The church of Santa Maria della Visitazione) which dates from the eleventh century with its crypt which dates from the twelfth century

- La Pievania (The parish house), where there are the old prisons

- La Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (The Church of San Giovanni Battista)

- Lo Statuto Comunale (The municipal statute) of 1962, kept in local archives.